Friday, January 1, 2016

Fort Myers - December 31, 2015

Our room last night had a ceiling fan. We ran it and the air conditioning all night. It was 73° when we left Gainesville at 9:00 this morning and one hour later, the temperature had climbed to 80°. As in past years, we note that air warms up quickly once this beautiful Florida sun ascends.

Of course, we had to do a little geocaching before we left town.

The scenery in Florida is beautiful almost everywhere. Even some of the underpasses have landscaped flowers and shrubs and others like this one have murals.

We stopped in Zephyrhills to visit my Aunt Hope who had just been admitted to the hospital.

We enjoyed lunch at a restaurant that is very popular with the local residents. We were joined by my Virginia born cousins, Ken and Darryl who have lived in Florida for many years.

Travelling off the interstate, we saw a farm. The gate posts were particularly interesting.

We spent the night at a hotel in Fort Myers and will be glad to check into our condo tomorrow afternoon.

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