Thursday, December 31, 2015

Almost There - December 30, 2015

We had a rude awakening this morning---a clap of thunder and flash flood alerts on our iPhones. It was pouring rain and it looked like a small steam was running thorough the parking lot at our hotel.

Cordell was all packed up and ready to hit the road before we had our breakfast.


The décor of this hotel is what I think of as contemporary and this chair that is placed in the front lobby seems to invite one to curl up in it with a good book.


It was still raining when Cordell loaded up the car.


We planned to look for another old geocache a few miles out of town. Other geocachers had written in their logs that the terrain could be very wet and the cache owner indicated that the cache could be bobbing at times.
We wondered what the condition of the terrain at the site would be. We wore our trusty hiking boots, rain jackets and carried umbrellas. The ground was indeed very soggy and I gulped when I saw an area that was completely under water.

I was relieved when we spied the cache on higher terrain surrounding a small lake. It was in a shallow hole in the ground on common property in a community. Due to the accumulation of rain water, the cache container was bobbing. I had wrongly suspected that the cache would be placed along the lake. A muggle dog in an adjoining yard announced our presence and was taken inside. We wonder whose house this was and think that they must be geocache friendly.


I had a Big Mac attack so we stopped at McDonald’s for lunch. I found myself wishing I were eating a Mighty Mo that we used to get from the Hot Shoppes years ago. 


I have not found a way to keep my hands clean while eating a Big Mac.


We saw this sign along the highway and I wondered if there is a place where one is taught how to play the Go Fish card game. And do they also teach people how to play Old Maid?


At one shopping center parking lot we saw this vehicle that was used to as some type of car wash. I would have liked to peek inside.


When looking at our weather app, we knew that we would eventually drive out of the rain that was falling over a large area of several states today. It teased us most all the day by raining at times and just being cloudy at other times only to run back into rain again.


But, we were delighted that the farther we drove south, the temperature got warmer and warmer.


It stopped raining in Southern Georgia and we finally found sunshine by the time we crossed the state line into Florida.

1 comment:

  1. How rude of it to RAIN on your parade! Glad you found the sunshine though! Sunny sunny sunny here today -- but only 43 out... eh...
