Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Day of Geocaching

January 6, 2016

We sure are loving this warm weather. So far I think it has been warmer than it was this time last year when we did have to turn on the heat in the condo for a few mornings. At 6:00 a.m. this morning it was 60° which was a great contrast to the 16° in Dunkirk!

We planned to go look for some geocaches today and Cordell wanted to start at Fort Myers Beach where one is hiding in a gazebo. We could not find it last year and it has been bugging him ever since that time—especially since some other geocachers found it. We drove over early before all the people were up and about and crowding the streets, sidewalks and beaches.
We had some very specific information from our local friend, Brian, but the cache was not where he had found it.


Near the cache location, I spotted a sailboat whose masts were taller than the bridge. That is not a drawbridge so unless the masts are able to be lowered, I suppose the captain will sail the other direction where there must be either a higher bridge or a drawbridge.

I was a bit cool walking around so early in the morning, but I saw someone on that sailboat in shirtsleeves and another man who was mowing grass was wearing a sleeveless shirt. However, it warmed up considerably later in the day and the predicted high of 72° reached 75°.

We had to walk to the beach to find another cache. The beach access went between two hotels, but it wasn’t marked and it was not easy to find. The cache was easier to find.


We spent some time in the shops where I found a gift for my granddaughter’s birthday. I was amused when I noticed that a door stop looked like the rear of a woman.

We left Fort Myers Beach before it got crowded. We stopped at Panera’s for lunch and discovered that they have a system for ordering that we haven’t seen at home yet. There is a computer where we placed our order and paid for our meal. We picked up a pager type device which has a GPS application in it.

We chose a table at which to sit and when our order was ready, a server knew where to bring our food to us by the tracking on the GPS. We liked this concept very much.

We had our most fun today at a geocache named “Alice in Wonderland”. It was described as “something that you would see in the story Alice and Wonderland after Alice falls down the rabbit hole”. We really liked the style of the host container that was holding the geocache.
We made a quick stop at the local Publix. I saw this firewood stacked at the entrance and I thought, “Is this a joke? Who would even buy it when the temperature was 74°? They probably couldn’t even give it away!”
We returned back “home” in the late afternoon—just in time to take a nap before dinner and woke up to a pretty sunset.


  1. So you STILL didn't find the cache in the Gazebo? I see it! It's right there! ;) I really LIKE that Alice In Wonderland cache!

    1. Melli Glad you liked the Alice in Wonderland. Did video run for you?
