Saturday, January 16, 2016

Geocaching in Napes

January 16, 2016


It was such a warm day today that even the old ladies came out in their shorts.

We took off south towards Naples where there are lots of geocaches just waiting to be found by us.

There was a nice water falls in one of the parks surrounded by plants that attract butterflies. We didn’t see any butterflies there today, but we did see two men sleeping on a couple of the benches.

This is the tallest fire ant hill I have ever seen. When I stopped to take this photo, a small snake raced away.

One cache was located in the middle of a business complex. It had a difficult rating and we had a lengthy search—especially because the coordinates were not accurate as had been noted by previous cachers. Hardly any offices were open on this Saturday except for one near the geocache site. One of the ladies who was working inside came out and told us that she knew what we were looking for and we were close, but she was not going to tell us where to find it. When I found it, I glanced in the office window and saw her and her coworker standing, pumping their fists in the air and applauding for us.

While we were out, we stopped in a super Walmart and I was especially interested in the number and variety of paintings that are available.

We ate lunch at Rib City Grill. It was amusing at how the Beans and Franks were described on the menu.

I enjoyed some of the signs that were decorating the dining room.


Cordell took this photo in the men’s room.

We never know just what we are going to see while out on our adventures, but we are constantly blessed with beautiful views from our lanai and especially pretty sunsets.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun when people know where it is, watch in anticipation and cheer when u find it.
