Saturday, January 23, 2016


Saturday, January 23, 2016
I have been dealing with some health issues for the past week and haven’t felt like doing much of anything other than taking it easy around the condo.
On Monday, we ventured out for a little while to revisit a geocache that we couldn’t find earlier in the month. It aggravates Cordell when other cachers came behind us and found what we couldn’t. This time, I spied it in a place where we both had previously searched and actually had our hands on it.

Near the cache site, we saw this unique mailbox that made us think of our sons who liked dragons.

Just off the edge of a side walk, we saw this tree with fruit on it. Not sure if it is a grapefruit or an orange.


On Thursday, Cordell took a walk through our neighborhood. While it is not spring, it certainly looks spring like to us.


We have been staying in close contact with our family and friends back north and are monitoring the weather reports. While we regret that they have to endure such a monstrous snowstorm, this is one of the reasons we are so very grateful that we can spend the winter months here in Southwest Florida. The temperatures have been in the 60’s during the days and sometimes reach 70 by the afternoon.


Yesterday, we awoke to rain, thunder and lightning again, but thankfully no tornado watches. By late afternoon the sky cleared and we were able to see another pretty sunset.


High winds arrived last the night with gusts up to 29 mph. They are expected to blow throughout the day and again tomorrow. We did see a pretty rainbow over the lake this morning.

This will be another good day to laze around, watch some basketball games and read.


  1. The pic of the sunset and the glass of wine is beautiful and relaxing.

  2. I keep hoping to see you UNsidelined! Hope you are feeling better... still praying for you. :)
