Friday, January 8, 2016

Our First 80° Day!!

January 8, 2016

After a very cloudy morning with a little rainfall, the skies cleared by afternoon and this was the first day that the temperature reached 80°!! Woo Hoo!!!

The local alligator made an appearance this morning on the pond beside our condo. I didn’t think they moved around much when it wasn’t sunny, but there he was swimming around. He never did climb out onto the bank anywhere that I could see.

We just had to get out and do something. We used a trip to the newest Walmart as an excuse.

But we really wanted to look for some geocaches. We saw this Sheriff’s Crime Scene Unit van in one of the parking lots where we stopped to look for a cache. I was glad that no one was in the vehicle or we might have had some explaining to do!

We had some fun looking for a multi-cache. We started at the Pyramid Village Resort where we had to find some information on a statute. We were required to count the letters in the first name of the person who was depicted on the statute. We had to ask some of the guests for help and we found out that it was not Thomas Jefferson as we were guessing, but Ludwig Beethoven!

The information we gathered translated into co-ordinates which took us to the site where the actual geocache was hidden. It was placed off a deserted road in a remote looking wilderness area. I don’t know what kind of critters live here, but I was watchful where I made every step.


We got back in time for our usual naps and woke up again just as the sun was setting. We never tire of this beautiful view.

1 comment:

  1. It is a beautiful spot to spend your winter. You are truly blessed. :)
