Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year - January 1, 2016

January 1, 2016


After traveling over 1,327 miles we arrived in Fort Myers. We slept through the New Year at a hotel and upon talking with some of the other guests, we learned that we weren’t the only party poopers!
We had arranged for a late check out on New Year’s Day so that I could watch the Rose Parade. After breakfast, we took a walk to a nearby shopping center named The Forum. We really needed this exercise after riding in the car for 4 days. The temperature was the warmest we had experienced and as the miles passed, I progressed from wearing sweatpants, to light weight pants, to capris and finally to shorts.

Another incentive to go to the shopping center was that there were 3 geocaches there that were calling to us.


I carried a new bag that my granddaughter gave me for Christmas. She filled it with several useful items and I discovered that it is also a good way to carry my iPhone while geocaching.
We returned to our hotel where I nestled in my bed with my laptop and watched the entire 2 hours of the parade. I will always remember a year that we went to Pasadena and helped decorate 2 of the floats for the Rose Parade. It was an incredible experience. It was hard to believe the details that go into those floats. The floats this year seem to be even more detailed and I don’t think they can be truly appreciated until you have worked on them.

After we checked out of our hotel, we stopped at Five Guys for lunch.

Then we grabbed enough groceries to tide us over for the evening and breakfast for tomorrow.
At last, it was time for us to check into our condo at Crown Colony and with this being our third winter here, it almost felt like we were at home.


Cordell really felt like he was at home when he opened one of the dresser drawers and found it filled with his clothes that he forgot to take back home last year! Now he has plenty of clothes for three months.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! This is tooooo funny! First I'm laughing at the idea of you walking to the mall WITH all your clothes AND stopping to change along the way! Must have been QUITE a backpack Cordell was carrying too! What a PICTURE it paints! And then for Cordell to have left his clothes... and they are still there waiting for him! That is a RIOT!!! Love it!
