Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday, March 29th


This is the first Easter, we have spent in Florida. I especially liked the way that Hope Lutheran Church displayed the lilies.

On Monday, we made another geocaching trip to Lehigh. When we stopped for gas, two police officers had handcuffed a couple of women and were searching their vehicle. I think they were in big trouble.

There have been a certain amount of flowers blooming since we arrived here. I sure will miss seeing these after I get back home.

Yesterday, I got out my luggage and starting packing some of my clothes. I should have waited one more day. Last night we received a surprise blessing when the owner of the condo we are renting offered to let us extend our stay at no extra cost. It took us about a New York minute to accept his offer. We are going to be here 2 more weeks and now will leave for home on April 15th.

We made a final trip to Lehigh today to find some more geocaches. We began in Buckingham Trails Preserve.

I almost always see people in parks with their dogs, but this is the first time I have seen such a site that does not allow dogs.

In 1942, the Federal Government built Buckingham Army Air Field whose primary mission was training aerial gunners who would defend bombers. When active, it was the largest airfield in the State of Florida. Today, the Preserve consists of 7 miles of trails for hikers and horseback riders across the 572 acre site.
Our favorite geocache today was named B.Y.O.P. We were not surprised to find a box with an assortment of ball point pens inside. The log was inside one of those pens. I thought that I could quickly eliminate all the pens that worked properly, but that wasn’t the case. So, we had to open each pen and found until we found the paper log wrapped around the ink barrel.
Rain storms arrived in the afternoon and by the time we got back to the condo, there was wind, lightning and loud thunder. It sounded worse to us that the storms we had earlier in the year during the tornado watches. We are pretty sure there were two lightning strikes on the small island in our lake.
Even though we miss our family and friends at home, both of us are very happy that we will get to spend some extra time here and maybe the temps will be so warm when we finally get back that we won’t have to make much of an adjustment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm hoping the temps are still a little cooler here than there - even when you return! Looks like you guys had a fun day! And the two girls at the gas station did NOT!
