Saturday, March 26, 2016

March 25, 2016 – Good Friday

Wow! It’s a bit hard to believe that this time next week we will be driving north on our way back home. Even though, I have had health issues for most of the past three months, I am glad that we were able to escape the cold weather in Maryland.
As Robert Burns penned, “the best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray.” And so, we did not spend this winter as I had envisioned. Also, the weather here in Fort Myers was cooler than we experienced in the past 4 years and the record rainfall in January seriously interfered with our activities. But, I believe it still was much better than enduring the cold weather than often makes my bones ache. We certainly did NOT miss the snowfall even though we enjoyed the many photos shared by our family and friends.
We went to the local hospital to get a copy of the medical records for the treatment I received in the emergency room. The main entrance is very pretty. On this day, there was a woman playing some very soothing music on a grand piano. There is a U.S. Post Office inside a very well stocked gift shop. In addition to a cafeteria which is very accessible, there is a Subway Deli. Many other shops were nearby and I almost felt like I was in a shopping mall rather than a hospital.


We saw this cute mouse car in the hospital parking lot.

We did enjoy spending several afternoons at the community swimming pool and the adjacent hot tub.

On St. Patrick’s Day, we hiked a bit in Estero Bay Preserve State Park. 

While we did not see any leprechauns, we did find a geocache with this huge spider on top.

We were a bit amused when we saw this woman in the drug store and noticed that her shopping cart had two canes and a bottle of wine!
Some of the signs on the roads are a bit different from what we see at home. Usually, an intersection has “No U Turns” signs posted, but this one informed us that we were allowed to make such a turn.
Some of the left turn lanes are marked with the usual white turn arrow but are painted on a black background which makes it more visible in my opinion. Many route numbers are also painted on the pavement in colors just like on the regular sign posts that we usually see. These are great ideas that I would like to see used everywhere.

We went geocaching in North Port which like a few other areas, had planned communities that went bust before they could be fully developed. We have visited at least three such communities and it is hard to believe that there are roads where few to no houses were built.

On Wednesday, morning we received notification that 6 new geocaches were published less than a mile from our condo. It is nice to be able to log a FTF (First To Find) for any new cache. So, we quickly gathered ourselves and our gear and jumped into our car and drove to the Winkler Road Trail Head at Estero Bay Preserve State Park. It is located at the end of the road on which our community is situated. There was a vehicle already parked there, so we were figured that some other geocacher had already found these caches. We immediately decided to go to the left of the circle, with hopes that this other person had gone right and we might be able to log a FTF on at least one of the caches.

We had hiked in this preserve last year and although it is flat terrain, there are no maintained trails other than areas where the grass has been mowed. We traversed some sections that were so muddy and marshy that we had to step on clumps of grass while trying to keep our boots relatively dry. Wild pigs roam here along with other creatures and in several places the ground was quite uneven from their rutting around.


As with all marshes, one has to deal with flying pests. Even though we sprayed ourselves with insect repellant and we encountered very few mosquitos, the black flies were relentless and the repellant did not deter them. We put bandanas on our heads under our hats to keep them from biting our necks.
I took a break during the hike and rested at one of the observation decks for a while.

We noticed some pretty red blooms on this plant.

After, about 2 ½ hours, we were satisfied to have been the first geocachers to find all 6 of the new caches.



The other vehicle we saw belonged to a person who was just hiking a bit. When we finished, there was a different vehicle parked there that we definitely knew belonged to a geocacher because they had a geocaching travel bug on their back window.
I still find puzzling to see people shopping with their non-service dogs in stores. This was not a pet store, but a Walmart.

Today, Friday, we spent some time walking around historic Fort Myers.


This is always a fun and interesting place visit. I like to stop at Centennial Park and visit the sculptures of Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone who were good friends. They spent winters in Fort Myers and collaborated on some ventures.

Our objective was to see outside exhibits of iron sculptures by renowned Colombia artist, Edgardo Carmona. This artwork came from Paris to launch the sales of a future high-rise condominium on the Caloosahatchee River.


I have always known that I am artistically challenged and while I found many of the sculptures interesting, I never did understand the symbolism that was explained in an app that we were able to download to our iPhones.

There are a whole lot of boats also spending the winter here in southwest Florida. This one was advertised as a “floating condo”. I understood the palm tree on deck, but thought that the icicles were a bit out of place.
It is always interesting to see the different styles of the architecture in the old downtown and I can only imagine how it must have been to live and visit here long ago.



There is a nice memorial park where one monument honors Rodolpho P. Hernandez who received the Congressional Medal of Honor.  Was it a coincidence this was National Medal of Honor Day?

I met a man, Melvin, on the street this afternoon—Good Friday! He portrays Jesus and this has been his full time ministry for 4 years.
The smaller alligator visited us again this afternoon.


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