Thursday, March 3, 2016

Back in Commission

February 28, 2016

We have experienced cooler temps for the past month, but today we were delighted that it finally warmed up more to our expectations.
We have been joined by our good Maryland friends, Jim and Barb Hauser. After worshipping together at Hope Lutheran Church this morning, we made a quick stop at the grocery store before returning to the condo. Well, Cordell did make another stop so that the Hausers could find a certain geocache to qualify them to look for another one we have on our To Find list.
We enjoyed eating our lunch on the lanai.

Late afternoon, we all went to the swimming pool.

Each of us has various aches and sore spots that felt much better after soaking in the hot tub.

I especially liked the view of the blue sky, white clouds and the palm leaves.

We celebrated Cordell’s birthday with a spaghetti dinner on the lanai.

This past month was quite challenging for us as I was plagued by some health issues which involved a few doctor visits, an E/R visit, CT scans, an ultra sound, blood tests and 3 courses of antibiotics. Unfortunately the antibiotics caused stomach and intestinal problems and the cure was almost worse than the illness. So, I was sidelined for almost a month. I didn’t miss out on much of anything because the temperatures were on the cool side. And as Cordell remarked to me, “Everything to do in Florida is outdoors.” But I at least had some beautiful views while recuperating.



Last year, we were intrigued by people who we saw pushing their pet dogs around in doggie strollers. This year, we have seen people with their dogs in their shopping carts and these are not service dogs.
When we went to Bass Pro Shop to look for a geocache, we discovered that they were conducting a fishing clinic for children. We watched a young boy reel in a very nice bass.


On February 12th, we went to 5 Guys Restaurant for lunch and were happy that it was warm enough to eat outside.

Cordell has been keeping Jim and Barb busy solving geocache puzzles. We have solved over 30 Puzzles.


On the 26th, we had a pretty full day of fun which started out looking for geocaches at Cape Coral.


We ate lunch at a very well managed Bob Evans Restaurant.

On the 27th, we made our first trip to Sanibel Island this season. We took a driving tour through the J. N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. We stopped at several locations along the trail where we scanned QR barcodes that were on posts. That opened YouTube videos where a park ranger gave us information.


We did see an alligator there today.
There is a very nice visitor/education center and gift shop. During this time, there were exhibits posted for a children’s contest. One I though was very cute depicted depleted beaver habitat.


1 comment:

  1. SOOOOO good to see you back up and around and having FUN again! Now go GET allllllll those puzzles! :)
