Monday, March 14, 2016

Cape Coral Again

March 14, 2016

We woke up to a very favorable weather forecast for today and couldn’t resist spending most of our time outside geocaching in the beautiful Florida sunshine. Temperatures were in the mid 80’s today. I took my Baltimore Orioles’ towel with me and I thought the words on it that were popular last baseball season were like a motto for us too—“We Won’t Stop”.

There are still several geocaches on Cape Coral that we had not found--two of which we were not able to find last March. Cachers have found those two since then and it was bugging Cordell for a year.


We did not take our bicycles with us today. To reach one site, we walked 1.2 miles roundtrip which could be considered “forced exercise.

The geocache was easily found which makes us think that there was a high possibility that it was missing last year.
We often spend time in undeveloped areas which have a growth of Australian pine trees. These trees are not native to Florida and are considered invasive by many people. Even though it has a pine-like appearance, it is not a pine, an evergreen, or a conifer. Rather, it is a deciduous tree whose branchlets of scale-like leaves are mistaken for needles. There is very little undergrowth around these trees and I enjoy walking on the soft carpet of “needles” Today, I saw a huge Australian pine tree and many smaller ones growing in the area.

We have seen green grass, leaves on trees and some blooms ever since we arrived in Florida at the end of December. Today I saw a field of yellow wild flowers.

I also saw some delicate purple blooms.

We saw a truck transporting two huge palm trees. I would have liked to watch the trees being planted.

So after an extra hour of sun, we both were pleasantly tired after dinner and showers.


1 comment:

  1. You guys really do retirement to the max! And I'm glad to see you both enjoying my favorite WINTER activity! (napping!) Good job on the caches!
