Friday, February 5, 2016

Cape Coral #6

It was extremely windy today, but with temperatures reaching the low 80’s, we were able to “tolerate” it.

We went geocaching in Cape Coral for the 6th time this winter. The area we visited today was obviously where the tornado passed through a few weeks ago. We saw several homes with blue tarps on their roofs. I have never seen the aftermath of a tornado and it impressed me to see homes that were damaged while others weren’t even touched. We also saw some areas of fallen trees. I am glad I did not have first hand knowledge of this damage when we were under the tornado watches and warnings at our condo.

We ate lunch at the Star Light Diner which we found last week while looking for a geocache that was placed there.

We were seated in the Elvis Corner which brought back my memories as a teenager who was crazy over him. Oldies were the only music being played.

This time, Cordell got to have his photo taken with Marilyn Monroe.

A sign in the ladies room advising to wash hands was quite different from what I have normally seen in other rest rooms.

Cordell saw this sign in the men’s room where John Wayne is quoted as saying, “A man’s got to do what a man’s got do”.

We stopped by a Walmart where Cordell saw a woman riding on a man’s lap while he was seated in a motorized wheel chair.

This super Walmart is so huge and motorized wheel chairs are a nice convenience. Sometimes, I am so tired that I almost wish I could use one, too.




1 comment:

  1. Psssfff... If I were there we would be RACING those sill carts around Walmart! (but I'm surprised that the one would GO with two people sitting on it!) :)
